Cyber Attack || Website Of The Hacking Group REvil Offline
The hacker group is suspected to be behind the cyber attack on the US IT company Kaseya. It is unclear whether the website went offline under pressure from authorities.
Less than two weeks after the massive cyber attack on the US IT company Kaseya , the website of the hacker group suspected of being behind the attack is no longer accessible. The REvil group has “apparently disappeared from the Darknet,” wrote cybersecurity expert Allan Liska from Recorded Future on Twitter. The website has not been available since Tuesday morning.
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It was unclear whether the security authorities had initiated the shutdown, said Brett Callow of the IT security company Emsisoft. James Lewis from the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington thinks it is conceivable, among other possibilities, that the website of the hacking group went offline under pressure from the Russian authorities. But he doesn’t think the US is responsible.
It is estimated that 1,500 companies worldwide were affected by the ransomware attack on the US company Kaseya at the beginning of July , including companies in Germany. Miami-based Kaseya delivers IT services to around 40,000 business customers around the world.
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In ransomware attacks, victims’ computer systems are encrypted in order to extort ransom money from users for their release. The Russian-speaking hacker group REvil — also known as Sodinokibi — demanded 70 million dollars for decryption software after the attack on Kaseya.
The US secret service FBI is convinced that REvil was also behind the attack on the multinational meat company JBS last month. The company paid a ransom of $ 11 million in Bitcoin.
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