Corona Will Replace 80 Million Workers With Robots
The Corona virus epidemic, which began in China in December 2019, is expected to wipe out more than 400 million jobs worldwide.
Meanwhile, a recent survey has revealed that in the next five years, due to the change in jobs due to the epidemic, 85 million people will be replaced by robots.
According to the news agency Reuters , a recent research report published by the World Economic Forum (WEF) states that in the next five years, 85 million people will be replaced by robot workers.
According to the report, a survey conducted by the World Forum in 300 major organizations and companies around the world found that 4 out of 5 organizations want to digitize their work.
In other words, 4 out of 5 organizations want humans to hire robots instead of being content with workers due to diseases and other disasters.
According to the World Economic Forum, before the Corona epidemic in 2007 and 2008, companies began using robots and machines instead of humans.
However, after the Corona changes the nature of work, robots or machines will replace 85 million humans worldwide over the next five years, by 2025.
Areas in which robots or machines will replace humans include data entry operators, administrative secretaries, accounts and audits, customer service workers, operational managers and stock record managers.
In addition to these areas, robots will be used to replace humans using artificial intelligence in many other areas, and in this regard, business companies and institutions have also developed themselves.
The World Economic Forum reports that although robots will replace 85 million humans in the next five years, it is expected to create 90 million jobs in the same period.
The report said that by 2025, 90 million jobs will be created in other fields, including data analysts, strategy specialists, business development professionals, information security analysts and software developers.
It should be noted that due to the Corona epidemic, the United Nations (UN) has stated in its reports that there is a possibility of immediate loss of 400 million full-time jobs worldwide while poverty will increase worldwide.
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